Hear it from Mr.Srinivasan

Hi Myself srinivasan people call me srini Or even chinu. And even in a nickname it is sweet to utter when it's reduced.

What I am trying to convey is that cutting down fat, having toned muscles and an overall sense of being fit physically and mentally helps you love your own body more than anybody else. And thus has been my thriving factor to stay fit all the time. Thinking about fitness and planning is indeed a easier task when compared to putting into action. So, I tried every possible thing that is available.

Yes , indeed I could feel the transformation but it was shallow. I could only rejoice my transformation for a very shot duration of time. And a very close friend of mine called 'Excuse ' helped me to stop thinking about my fitness which started from being days to weeks to months and sometimes even lead to years of not being able to do anything that would help to keep my body fit.

# Nothing will work unless you do.

The greatest change that one can bring to themselves is when your actions are backed up by knowledge. So when I knew clearly on what I wanted and a easy, effective and a healthy way to achieve it, then on my proper and consistent transformation started.A new journey began...