Hear it from Mrs.Vidhya Rebecca Kuruvilla

Vidhya was generally never on the heavier side.

But, it is only later she realised that she was having PCOS. But, she gradually gained weight, during and after pregnancy. She got a shock, when she realised that she had gained a whooping 10 kilos. She knew well that the fat burning & weight loss was not easy, since she was having PCOS.

She was determined to turn around & maintain a healthy lifestyle for the future. Thanks to the DreamtheLean Team for their wealth of knowledge, systematic approach; she was able to loose her fat and weight - over the next few months.

# "The King who cannot rule his diet, will hardly rule his realm in peace and quiet.". "We never repent of having eaten too little.". "To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.".

Today she is a lamplighter to guide others who are struggling with their lifestyle issues and turns their focus to health goals.