Hear it from Mrs.Sagayamary

Hello I am Sagayamary Paulraj , 55 years old from Tamilnadu, used to work as a medical professional.

Here is my story

Since my childhood I have always loved food especially bread, dairy, junk and many more and I was always known for my chubbiness. Growing up in a middle-class family and least bothered about fitness, I never took any efforts to lose my weight or work towards a healthier body till 2020. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid and was in pre-diabetic stage. I knew it was high time to work on my health. I googled a lot of diet plans, joined gym and even hired a personal trainer but nothing worked for me. I was actually looking for a permanent solution or a method to take control of my body. Whatever the efforts I may put, the maximum weight I lost was just 2 kgs and my gym instructor would say I cannot lose my weight due to my thyroid condition.

My worst nightmare was being diabetic and I never wanted to enter that phase. It was the pandemic year and that is when I came across Dreamthelean program. The program taught me to focus on the root cause. I took the assessment and decided to work on my health.

# Get healthy to lose weight

90 days of commitment paid it off, I am in my ideal weight now and no more thyroid. I have reversed my pre-diabetic stage and I am not insulin resistant anymore. But the best part of the program is I now know how to maintain my health and weight. I now firmly believe it is never lose weight to be healthy , it is always get healthy to lose weight. Now my body listens to me 😊 Happy Fitness !