Hear it from Mr.Mathew Kuruvilla

Mathew was healthy & fit during his school days. But, his busy schedule & hectic lifestyle derailed this.

His parents & grand parents had a Diabetic history. And as age caught up, he too was diagnosed with a challenge named “hyperinsulinemia”, which was a pre-diabetic phase. He had sugar cravings, could observe unusual weight gain, frequent and excessive hunger. In practical life issues with concentration and extreme tiredness became so common. He gradually started gaining weight & hit even a 120+ kilos weight. He knew that there was solution somewhere. Tried many options, but used to regain the lost weight, back again. He was beginning to loose hope that Fitness beyond his Forties was a herculean task.

But, he decided to be determined to regain his lost health. Thanks to the dreamthelean community, he was able to learn about the aspects of healthy eating and, got the motivation to get back to shape, from the community of like-minded people at DreamtheLean.

# Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.

He says: “The practical knowledge that the Dreamthelean Team possesses & the balanced focus on healthy eating, exercise, proper rest and vital supplements that we normally miss out in this century is the key, for his weight-loss journey”. He even lost 12 kilos in the last 6 months, with a specific focus on fat-loss & muscle mass increase. The energy levels are massive. Hyperinsulinemia is now reversed. And, he is confident that he can stay out of Diabetes, too. He now intends to help others by sharing his expereince of how he regained his lost health and fitness journey.